Not long fince the Prince underftanding that the Infanta was us'd to go some mornings to the Casa de campo. Red Lucy Aesthetics (Knobody13 request). that he watcht her as a cat doth a mouse. LUMENARIUMandELECTROCITY - Nevada Skies Replacer.esp ELECTRO-CITY - Inventory Sorters Compatibility Patch - ElectroCit圜ATEYEvalue.esp LUMENARIUM - Working Sunglasses ONLY.esp Imp's More Complex Needs - JA - SORTED.esp
Identity Crisis Part I - Silent Struggle V2.esp Up until installing/uninstalling the vMod Suite everything was working fine. I have the latest official patch(es) and the latest versions of NVSE and FOMM. Setting Controls (keyboard/mouse) to Default did not change anything (though nothing looked out of order). Uninstall the FFDshow codec, or add Fallout NV to.
I started a new game, but that didn't help. The Redragon mouse has five adjustable CPI or DPI values, with a DPI of up to 7200. After installing, and then uninstalling, the vMod Suite I found that my Right Mouse Button/Mouse 2 Button has stopped working - making the game effectively unplayable, of course :biggrin.